The most beautiful object in the world, it will be allowed, is a beautiful woman.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What type of "holics" are you??

Beside workaholic, what type of "holics" are you?? =) Eh, don misunderstood as this x_____x :

I'm very semangat to join 24/06/12 Standard Chartered marathon run, and if you do!! so by now should be start training! Well, I'm just run for 10km but as i trained for almost a month ++, maximum can run for 3.48km only... arrrggghhh... but anyhow, trained till me was like jog-holic...gagaggaaga!! @____@

See, my friend Lychee is so atheletic and so influence few of us very semangat and wanted to have a healthy life style ^^ but anyhow, I'm still tempted to those yummy yet unhealthy food... was like wasted all the effort of those exercise.. huhuuhuhh... T____T must control!!!!!

I'm a swim-holic too! I'm not a very good swimmer but i love it! coz can make me slim and bye bye tummy hahhaaha~

Me so tired after swimming today but kinda refresh and i feel I'm thinner a bit~ *big smile!*

woooooo~ i'm so wish that i can swim in the sea now~ and have a longggggggggggggggg holidays spending time at the beach!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


最近运动得很频密;跑步、跑步、还是跑步。。。 生活在这繁忙的城市里,你又是否慢下脚步,看看身边的人、事、物? 很喜欢就这样跑着跑着,关注着呼吸,看着行路、跑步、拍拖、各式各样的人;跑着跑着。。。跑着跑着。。。 天色渐渐的暗了。。。累了,也就停下脚步。。。 如果,生活真的很繁忙;也不要累坏身子。动起你的身子,呼吸一下新鲜空气吧!

Friday, February 3, 2012

R.I.P my dearest friend - Hwa Ming

I'm still in a shock condition and unable to think much.
Receiving this news in the afternoon, colleague told me that Hwa Ming has passed away due to road accident. I can't believe my own ears. And not that only, a buddy of him Zul was in his car too. Both of them was killed in that accident. Was too shock and I'm sad. Both are my friends and Hwa Ming can consider as a quite a gud fren of mine.
Can't really concentrate now coz' has been search online on the news reported. It happened just before CNY. A sad news....
Flash back how we knew each was in the same company and meeting customer. We had a lot to talk esp. food! We used to have lunch together. We drove out of office and look for nice food. We love Japanese and Korean food :) but.... the last I had with him was last year...... He's leaving the company, we had a meet up for lunch and had a nice chat.... It was a rainy day... How I missed him now...
I know I'm being emotional now, but I do really cherish him and love him and miss him as a good friend of mine.
Every friendship has it's story, you left the memory behind but i will always keep it deep in my heart.
May you Rest In Peace my very dear friend......