I'm very semangat to join 24/06/12 Standard Chartered marathon run, and if you do!! so by now should be start training! Well, I'm just run for 10km but as i trained for almost a month ++, maximum can run for 3.48km only... arrrggghhh... but anyhow, trained till me was like jog-holic...gagaggaaga!! @____@

See, my friend Lychee is so atheletic and so influence few of us very semangat and wanted to have a healthy life style ^^ but anyhow, I'm still tempted to those yummy yet unhealthy food... was like wasted all the effort of those exercise.. huhuuhuhh... T____T must control!!!!!
I'm a swim-holic too! I'm not a very good swimmer but i love it! coz can make me slim and bye bye tummy hahhaaha~

Me so tired after swimming today but kinda refresh and i feel I'm thinner a bit~ *big smile!*
woooooo~ i'm so wish that i can swim in the sea now~ and have a longggggggggggggggg holidays spending time at the beach!